Monday, November 06, 2006

Eli's First Food.. Yumm-O!

Saturday was a big day for the lil'man. Eli started off the day with his very first swimming lesson.. which he LOVED. He was so good the whole time, completely relaxed and enjoying the warm water... kicking his feet and splashing with his arms. There was probably about 10 other babies... we all sang songs, blew bubbles, and floated. I'm so glad that he enjoys the water.
Later that day we fed him his very first food.. rice cereal. His intial reaction was pretty funny.. kinda a mix of confusion and disgust. He seemed to enjoy the spoon more, and now fights with me to chew on it. But overall he ate really well... and it was followed by some of the longest farts we've ever heard. So funny!
Today is officially his 6 month bday... so amazing to think that it has been 6 months since our lil'bean came into the world. What a sweetie!


Donloree said...

He's such a big boy! I can't believe that he is eating food already! I think that I share Eli's preference of the spoon more than the mooshy rice cereal...

Anonymous said...

Well My Nef. and Niece. You'se have such a healthy young lad. Our Lord has blessed You'se as a strong family. "HAT'S OFF TO YOU ALL"
Love Uncle, Jerry

Anonymous said...

Well to mention it,"We all had a realy great visit" on the 13th. I as well as Grandma Caroline could not have been more proud of our Bradley family. We sure hope to reunite much more often, and more friquint(exuse the mispelling).
All of our Love, Grany and Uncle Jerry